
Lets Replace Hunger with Humanity

Let's Come Forward initiated the "Empower and Transform Lives" project in August 2022. A movement designed to help local communities rise and enable women's entrepreneurship opportunities. This project is helping those who live in extreme poverty. We distribute meals daily and support local businesses, rickshaw drivers, and farmer's markets.

The current location of the project is Lahore, Pakistan. We have hired two well-educated women as our lead cooks. Their family dynamics did not allow them to work outside their homes. The groceries are bought from local grocery stores and farmers' markets. Rickshaw drivers are hired to deliver the food. Hand in hand, this project is spreading goodness rapidly.

In the last month, we were able to provide over 150 meals. You can feed a family of five for as little as $7.50. Our Goal next month is to provide lunch to a local school with 125 Students who cannot afford to eat lunch daily. It costs only $1 can pay for lunch for one student.

We cannot change the world, but with little effort, we can change someone's world. Your contribution could be the difference between a family going to bed hungry or eating a nutritious meal.

Your support is making difference in lives of many;

  • Women entrepreneurs' cooking business
  • A local tandoor (bakery)
  • A local meat shop
  • A local grocery shop
  • A local farmers market
  • Rikshaw driver for delivery
  • Fuels the dreams of the underprivileged

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